jeudi 5 août 2010

5 x 1km with 1 min rests

The beauty of running is that there is lots of time to be in ones thoughts. I've come to realize however that there is a certain threshold were the intensity is too high and my heart is probably palpitating faster then a gazelle fleeing its predator. The only thoughts that are left bouncing around in my head are "un hun, ok, ya that's good, 5 min per kilometer un hun ok, ya that's good, that's an 8 minute mile, road, road, keep the eyes on the road, can I go faster, hows my heart beat, woaw that's high, its too high, can I hold it? can I hold it ? come on Jay you can do it . . ." not much Shakespearean inspiration in there I must admit. But sometimes that's about all of my life I feel like reflecting on.
This run was all about stop and goes. 5 km stop after 1 km and give 1 min break, then go again. results were satisfying: anything in the threes makes me smile, fours feels great and as long as I can hold it under 5 I'm happy. Just made it:

So the run was pretty much about doing math in my head, no personal paradigm shifts today.

2 commentaires:

  1. Only 2 minutes away from your club membership.
    You 'only' need to eliminate 4 minutes of resting; that should come easy, doing away with 4 minutes of doing nothing.

  2. Sometimes less is more. Try to hold steady 4:10s over all five. If sub 4 is the plan then the 5min rep at the end is worthless, better to do 4x good reps (eg 3:59) than 5 and fall of the pace at the end.
