samedi 21 août 2010

20km early bird special

Was woken up at 4:30 this morning by a little tummy that needed some milk, then was left in my thoughts pondering how great it would be to sneak out early and come home 2 hours later without anyone even realizing. There was no moon, and it seemed dark. The night before the same thing happened and as I stood in my kitchen window contemplating the challenge a little hedgehog zigzagged across our lawn. I decided then that if I could barely see a hedgehog I would certainly stumble over one if I went out. As a consequence I went back to bed and woke up at 8:20 late for work. So today I wasn't going to let that happen. I filled up my water bottles did some stretching, thought of KJP who was grounded for another little while and thought I would do some miles for the both of us, so off I went KJP style at 5:15am. A "start slow, end fast" convert for life, I had absolutely no shame to get my first kilometer in at 6min53, and a second at 6:21, I was even proud of my personal self control. The fact that I couldn't see anything also contributed to my pace and having woken up seeing a hedgehog the night before I couldn't help but go out with a certain paranoia, every dark patch along the path transformed into a hedgehog, I've never seen so many hedgehogs in my life!
It was around the 3rd km when the persistant pinecone struck again. I can't beleive how many times this thing has bonked me in the head as I am running. Everytime I can't help but burst out in laughter. Its one of those low lieing camoflaged green and very hard closed pinecones. It sits there inconspicuously just dangling off a branch directly overhead the running path. And as pine needles are for the most part like little brushes, I always fall into the trap of makeing the gesture of ducking but not really caring because its just a few little bristles. Then out of the blue SHABLONK! It strikes again! This morning was the third time it outwitted me. The first time I couldn't beleive I had just been hit in the head by a pinecone, The second time I just couldn't beleive that the same stupid pinecone hit me again, and this morning I started to wonder how many more times I would fall victim! perhaps I should run with a helmet.
The rest of the run was lovely. The landscape started to reflect its colours, the passenger trains started their morning routines, my pace progressivley got faster to finish the last 5kms at 5min pace and feeling like a workhorse, to end the 20km run in 1hour57. After cooling down I came inside and just as I stepped into the shower Edana got up and greeted me good morning. My stealth morning run had just passed under the child radar and I ate breakfast with them with a nice feeling of accomplishment behind me to start the day.

2 commentaires:

  1. Look at it from the pinecone’s perspective. It just hangs there peacefully, waiting to mature and turn into more pine trees and suddenly, before daybreak, comes this jogger out of nowhere and wants to play butt heads. If I was a pinecone, I would stay green and hard for a long time.

  2. This guy is no jogger, Jason is an inspired RUNNER.....
