jeudi 5 août 2010

up up up and down down down

Today I was reflecting on the incredible advantages there are in cross training, or in my case it was doing hills. I decided I needed another run up to Burtigny, I took the logging road which doesn't bother with pleasantries and wind around to diminish the incline, it just goes straight. . . straight up. 5 km up and 5 km down. Strangely enough my Garmin tells me that I ran up 130 meters and down 500 meters, but I promise you I didn't end up in the lake!
It took 34 min up and 21 min down. Its quite a workout but funny enough I preferred the incline, coming down is very hard on the entire body, everything was aching and heating up as I came blazing down the road and as I rested at home, my body was twitching, borderline shaking from the impacts it had received. Perhaps I should place a bike at the top and cycle down, or better yet a hand glider.
Along the way I think I saw an Aardvark, either that or then it was a slow moving rock. Seeing as I am not from Australia my guess is it was an Aardvark.

1 commentaire:

  1. If you put a bike at the top I would volunteer to ride it down for you.
