samedi 31 juillet 2010

Thats what happens when you don't run for a while!

Today’s run I didn’t quite know what to do, I was considering doing something long and arduous, or maybe a few sprints, but finally I convinced myself that I would run 10km starting relatively slow and every km would try to run faster then the last.

So I started and as my first km is always downhill I hit:

1km 5:34

2km 5:20

3km 5:17

4km 5:18

5km 5:09

6km 6:04 ran out of juice

7km 6:08 clearly not doing well

8km 6:39 my Hamstrings acting up

9km 6:40 pride kept me from walking

9.3km 5:49 pace, happy it’s all over.

My average of 5:48 is still ok but I need to straighten up if I want to get some decent results for the Tour du Pays de Vaud coming up mid August.

Here is my recount of the km number 6 delusions as I ran past a field of sunflowers, all with their heads drooping down towards the ground looking away from me. They hadn’t seen me go by in ages and I couldn’t help but wonder if I had let them down. They had no more hope in me running by anymore, and as my struggling legs carried me past their horizons I didn’t as much as get a glance from them, not even a whisper or care in the world. They had been abandoned. I ran past feeling guilty that I had let them down and continued my inner dialog with the next field of potatoes, also looking quite gloomy. But as potatoes are underground they couldn’t see me go by and I managed blissfully to elude their criticisms. Amazing the thoughts that bounce around in my head as I prance along.

2 commentaires:

  1. Maybe the sunflowers did not see you because they were looking down at the potatoes

  2. Only days left until race one! St. Prex on y va!
