samedi 24 juillet 2010

I dont like ham but I still got a Hamstring!

Its a sad reality that when I look at my last blog entry it was exactly 1 month ago!
But with that said I finally went for a run yesterday, 10km in 1 hour. All very slow and relaxed with km 9 at 4:30min speed to get the heart pumping and feel the life inside of me.

Nothing new to experienced sports people, injuries are almost a part of the game, If you do a sport long enough some body part is not going to like it, over use, wrong gear, poor weather conditions, or turtles crossing our running path, it can happen very quickly. Personally I have IllioTibial (IT band) strains behind me, major Achiles Tendonitis behind me, a sprained shoulder, a C3 vertebra needing some Chiropractor to put back in place and the latest is a Hamstring that doesn't want to let up. I blame it on 6 hours of Milano and back and 18 hours Lacanau and back of driving. I tried to convince myself yesterday that I could "run it off" but this morning my body reminded me that this was not the right strategy and all day I've been wobbling around wondering impatiently when I can go out again to prepare for the Montreal Marathon which is only 42 days away. Everything tells me its impossible but a little birthday proposal I received in the mail yesterday reminded me that NOTHING is impossible.
So I will have to see if these old bones and the bones that will have to take care of the children alone while I'm gone can come up with some kind of agreement. Time will tell.

1 commentaire:

  1. If you were a ham, you would be cluttering up congested airwaves, instead as a runner, you help de clutter congested roads.
