vendredi 1 octobre 2010

Cows in Toronto hate marathons!

Flew 6000 km’s burning 52000 liters of fuel, then
Drove 600 km’s burning another 72 liters and finally
Ran 21 km’s and burned through a bowl of pasta and some lentil soup!

Let’s start by saying “ mission accomplished ”
The goal was to run with my father and run well.
While I finished my half marathon race with a very satisfied PB time of 1:48:35
Juerg decided to do 2 half marathons back to back in his “under 5 hour” target with plenty of time to spare at 4:57:02.

We both wore our finisher medals proud like champions. From our 8th floor Sheraton hotel room we had a birds eye view of the finish line and once I got up there I couldn’t help indulging on watching all the people still running and the crowds making their way to the much appreciated food and drinks.
There is an irrefutable quirk in the human soul that can be seen on race days, the competitive nature that lies somewhere within us. Be it with ourselves to perform better then last time or with others around us, and it manifests itself in many ways. There were some, no matter where they stood in the rankings, as long as they could dash past someone before the RFID chip was registered. While others reacted as if they had just drank a red bull a few hours too late and walked to within 50 meters, numb limbs bobbing in all directions like an octopus caught in a net and comically jolted through the finish. I stood there observing these quirks, and witnessed in some, inspiring determination and in others a shattered resignation. Luckily both my father and myself fell in the former category and celebrated that night at the Keg.

Now I bet most people don’t know that cows don’t like marathons. In fact in Toronto they especially hate them. Why you ask? Is it because they’re scared of Caesar salads, or onion soup or could it be because of the Flintstones style succulent steak that almost toppled me walking back to the hotel? Ya that must be it, because I only had one Rickers Red.

Some funny things I saw along the race: A man in a Santa costume, another dressed like a banana, and a guy running in flip-flops! (I very quickly swallowed my laughter when it dawned upon me that he was actually running in front of me, that’s when I became more serious and determined and never saw him again!)
When I got to the 8 km mark, I saw coming back in the opposite direction the Elite group of 20 Kenyans and Ethipians hitting their 16km’s, the runners all cheered them on and everybody’s pace increased for a short while, energized by the hurricane that just blew past us. Then I also made the bend and keeping eyes out for KJP we spotted eachother for a very brief highfive and “Hop Swiss” and then it was back to concentrating on the race.

Our finishing results:


There’s so much I could write about this fun adventure but nothing beats living it, and with my mind packed with good memories it was already time to fly home. I was greeted with open arms and then again who wouldn’t with all the presents that were packed into my suitcase!

I have finally finished my blog entry so I am now allowed to read Juergs, ooof I made it.

1 commentaire:

  1. Very entertainingly written, I wished it would have gone on and on and .....
