dimanche 10 octobre 2010

reps 8 x 400m with 1min breaks

My neighbor ran the Morat/Fribourg in 1:21:xx averaging 4:40/min
He told me he decided to run without a watch. My jaw dropped in bewilderment! How can you run without a watch tracking your every move, telling you if your a few precious seconds behind, or pushing your heart slightly over the top? This is what our ancestors of long times past would do because they didn't have any other choice. But in our modern day and age where there are commercial satellites in every quadrant of the sky how could one come to such a ludicrous conclusion as to run without this marvel!? Then a moment of silence and I began to consider my own ridiculousness of being so tied down to realtime performance that I would forget the simple pleasure of running an overall race. For and engineering mind, I suppose numbers count, and its not uncommon that I will start calculating in my head my projected finish line time. Its what happens when I don't have a tight rein on my mind. It starts playing with numbers and other abstractions.

So lets talk numbers:
I wanted to push my heart hard and see how I could perform doing some 400 meter reps.
1. 1:32
2. 1.32
3. 1.23
4. 1.39
5. 1.31
6. 1.36
7. 1.53 (uphill)
8. 1.36

Its not too shabby, and I'll try not to let it slip out that I had originally planned to do 10 reps but . . . well. . . um . . . maybe next time.

1 commentaire:

  1. I am almost envious that I have to sit on the sidelines for now and just watch, or read that is about your running adventures, but as Schwarzenegger said in the Terminator "I'll be back"
