mercredi 16 juin 2010

10km in under 50min

Inspired by Niall who documents all his outtings I have decided to also have a go at it.

Ok, lets get started,
Ive been running for a while but never wrote down all my adventures and hickups along the way, perhaps it would have helped me smarten up quicker if I hadn't forgotten all the torment I put myself through over the years . . .

Yesterday I went running for the first time with the Foulé Glandoise, a bunch of 30 or so that quickly got divided up into 3 groups, the quickies and the slowpokes. Alain and myself found ourselves directly in between until we made a little short cut and then continued with the fast fokes. It was leaving Gland over to Luins up the slope of death to the little church were I got engaged and continued up some more, found our way over to Begnins and back. Good heart training but the downhill stretch was tough on the knees. I sure is nice to run with others, though it takes a bit of getting used to the logistics side, My personal independance needs to be a little remoulded but Im getting there.

My personal goals for the last few months has been to run 10km in under 50 minutes, I figured thats a reasonable goal with just enough challenge and prestige to be able to say I can do it, to get me motivated. So this weekend I felt up to the challenge. My first km is always easy as it goes downhill and its a beautiful way to warm up, however getting around km 8 I was beggining to convince myself to go straight and not turn uphill to get home, that way i would have a better time but somehow felt it was cheating. Coming along km 9 I forced myelf and let my heart rate rip through my chest like a whiny 2 stroke engine at 182bpm with a calculated 183 max; I was struggling! One little turn at the top, a 50m sprint and 10 clicks were in my pocket at 49 min 14 seconds. From my comfy couch after having showered and enjoying the flood of endorphins permeating through my body I had this thought "If only all of my life were this easy and rewarding! "
On to the next challenges . . . 5km in 20 minutes

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